Ballet intensive course for beginners 27.12.2024-4.1.2025

Through barre work the classes focus on the basic movements of ballet, the correct position of the body, turn out, strength and flexibility. Also rhythm, musicality and expressional skills are in focus. No prior dancing experience is required. The course is aimed for students older than 14 and adults. The class is taught by Suvi Honkanen.

Classes in Leipätehdas studio LEI1 and LEI6:

Fri 27.12. at 17.30-18.45 LEI1
Sat 28.12. at 12.45-14.00 LEI6
Mon 30.12. at 17.00-18.15 LEI1
Tue 31.12. (the time will be discussed with the group) LEI1
Thu 2.1. at 17.30-18.45 LEI1
Fri 3.1. at 17.30-18.45 LEI1
Sat 4.1. at 12.45-14.00 LEI6

Course number: 24896
Course fee: 99,75 €

Leipätehdas, Kaikukatu 4 A, 5th & 6th floor (Please, ask door code from student office).